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Page history

Learn how to access, use, and restore previous versions of your page with autosave, filtering, and manual save options.

Written by Joshua Lynch
Updated over 3 months ago

To access the Page history:

  • Press "H" while in the canvas.

  • Or click on the Scene logo in the top-left corner and select "Show page history." The version history will appear in the right-side panel.

Any changes you make are automatically saved to the current version. Versions are auto-saved daily or during publishing, and you can manually save versions as needed.

Saving a Version

Automatically Saved Versions

Scene automatically saves a version at the start of each day when a new user session begins. Additionally, a new version is saved whenever the page is published, and the currently published version will display a "Currently published" tag in the version history.

Manually Saved Versions

You can manually save the current version by clicking "Save as" next to the current version, and then entering a title and description. This will add the version to the history.

Restoring a Version

To restore a version, click “three dots” next to the version you'd like to restore and select “Restore.”

Restoring a version replaces the current version but doesn't affect page settings or global elements. A pre-restore autosave will be created before restoring an older version. You can always revert back using the pre-restore version.

Handling Styles

If styles no longer exist or have been modified, an alert icon will appear next to them. You can choose to:

  • Replace with an existing style.

  • Detach the style for manual editing.

Handling Components (Reusable Blocks)

If a component has been modified in newer versions, an alert icon will appear on the selected component and in the layers panel. You can detach the component to edit it.

Missing Assets

If assets (e.g., images) are deleted from the media library, an alert icon will appear in the layers panel. A placeholder with an alert icon will display in the website frame, and you can:

  • Replace it with an existing asset.

  • Upload a new asset.

Unsupported or Incompatible Blocks

If a block is no longer supported, an alert icon will appear in the layers panel (the block won't collapse). A fallback block will be displayed in the website frame. You can remove the unsupported block from the website frame.

Managing Versions

For manually saved versions, you have the following options:

  • Edit: Modify the title or description.

  • Restore: Replace the current version with the saved version.

  • Delete: Permanently remove the version from the history.

For autosaved versions, you can:

  • Rename: Change the name and convert the autosave to a manual version.

  • Restore: Restore the version, replacing the current one.

Once renamed, the autosaved version will appear as a manual save, including the user who renamed it.

Filtering versions

By default, all versions are displayed, including autosaves. You can apply filters to view:

  • All versions

  • Manually saved versions

  • Autosaved versions on publish

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