To add a form to your website:
Add a Form Block:
Go to the block library and select one of the available form blocks.
Edit Form Fields:
Click the form block and open the Layers panel. You can customize the following options:
Hide/Unhide Fields: Control which fields are visible.
Required Fields: Make a field required by unhiding the “Required value” element.
Invalid Format State: Set the message for invalid input by unhiding and editing the “Invalid pattern” element on the canvas.
Character Limits: Define minimum and maximum input lengths by unhiding and editing the “Min length” and “Max length” elements.
Submit Button: Update the appearance and label of the “Submit” button.
Success and Error Messages: Customize post-submission feedback by unhiding and editing the “Success message” and “Error message” elements.
Edit Text Content:
You can edit the text for any of the elements above. Need help? Use AI to assist with copywriting.
Connect to Zapier or Formspark:
All forms can connect to Zaps (Zapier) or Formspark for further data processing.