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Styling Buttons

Customize buttons and save styles for a consistent look across your site. Learn how to add links to the buttons.

Updated over 4 months ago

To edit a button, click on the button directly on the canvas and go to the right-side panel. You’ll find the following options:

Adding links to Buttons

Choose the destination for your button from the dropdown menu:

  • Page: Link to a different page within your website project.

  • Link: Direct to an external URL.

  • File: Link to a file in the assets library.

  • Anchor: Link to a specific section within your current website. To set this up:

    1. Add an anchor ID to the desired block by selecting the block, finding “Anchor ID” in the right-side panel, and entering an ID.

    2. Return to the button, select “Anchor” from the dropdown, and choose the appropriate Anchor ID.

Decide whether the link should open in a new tab or not.

Button Styles

You can customize styles for three button states:

  • Default

  • Hover

  • Active

Save these styles for future use. For details on saving styles, refer to our Style guide.

For each state, adjust the following settings:

  • Corners: Modify the roundness of the button corners.

  • Width: Set the button width.

  • Text Style: Edit or apply a preset text style. Learn more about Styling text in this article.

  • Background Color: Choose the button’s background color.

  • Text Color: Set the color of the button text.

  • Icon: Add an icon to the button.

  • Padding, Margin, Stroke, and Box Shadow: Adjust these settings as detailed in our article.

  • Text Shadow: Add and edit text shadow, and save it for future use.

Applied Styles

This overview sums up the Button Style applied to the selected button. You can edit the style directly from this overview. Learn more about this in Styles on the page article.

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